A KPI is a Key Performance Indicator. These are metrics that show the progress your business is making toward your goals. The end goal is important but even more important […]
What does it mean to pierce the corporate veil?
If you have a corporation you must protect your business the same as you would your house because if you don’t you could also lose your house. Basically, if you […]
R&D Credits
Research and Development credits are not just for big business. Small businesses can also qualify and even better they can use those credits against payroll taxes as well as income […]
Cloud based accounting is here to stay
Over the last several years we have been diligently moving all our services to cloud-based applications to make it easier for you to access your data and have real time […]
Resources for funding your small business during this crisis.
There are many sources of funding out there and not very many people realize they have can qualify for it. especially now when this pandemic has thrown our economy for […]
Xero Training
We offer monthly training on Xero to help you keep up on your bookkeeping and prevent that last minute panic that your taxes are due and you don’t have all […]
Getting Started with Xero
Xero is a very powerful accounting software that I recommend to all my clients. Although we usually set it up for you, we feel everyone should be in control of […]
Employer Update 2020
There have been several changed that went into effect here in Colorado for employers. Some of these are also going into effect in other states so if you are not […]
Kids and Work
It’s summertime again and that means the kids are home from school. The problem is not that they are home it is what to do with them. we want to […]
Have you considered ALL the costs?
When you are setting up your budgets or your cash flow projects for either your business or your personal spending have you considered all the costs? Most businesses do not […]