We all deal with expectations every day. The problem is we are not very good at communicating those expectations. When you go out for date night with your spouse you […]
What should you expect from your CPA
We all have expectations, when you go to a restaurant you expect to be served food that is not going to make you sick. The problem is we are not […]
How to work with your CPA remotely
I am often asked how I can work with people in different states and I really don’t understand the question. I work with clients around the United States and often […]
Why should you hire a professional for training
When I was young I spent a lot of time with my grandparents, they owned restaurants and a retail store. They were very successful and taught all of their grand […]
Are you prepared?
Last week my husband and I were rear ended causing our pickup truck to roll over 2 1/2 times. Fortunately, neither of us had any serious injuries, much to the […]
Are you taking time away from your real passion?
I have run my own business for 16 years now, during that time I have seen more businesses fail than succeed. Most of those have gone by the wayside because […]
Key Indicators – Income vs. Cash Flow
Income and Cash Flow are two very different things. You can have a million dollar business, and still be unable to pay the bills. There are several contributing factors to […]
Do you dream of owning a multi-million dollar business?
The perception of people who are not entrepenurers is that all business owners make tons of money, drive expensive cars and own several large houses. This can be the case […]
Key indicators – Profit
It is easy to know that a business that is operating at a loss is in need of intervention to get it profitable, but what about a business that is […]
Business is Business – no matter what you do
My husband and I really enjoy watching Gordon Ramsey’s TV shows, both of us enjoy cooking but that is not why we watch. It is because he has some of […]